
 प्रसमाहितमत्यन्तं प्रथिमामिततेजसू ।

वशीकृतपरानंन्दं श्री बालगडूगाधरं गुरुमाश्रये ॥

On 24 Sept 1974 he became the 71st pontiff of the Adichunchanagiri Dharma Peetha and worked tirelessly to realize his vision of revolutionizing Society through Spiritual, Educational, Social, Cultural activities of the Mutt. He travelled all around the world understanding the needs of the people. 

His Holiness was truly an enlightened and realized soul for he treated all the people alike, without discriminating based on caste, creed, sex or status. His approach towards handling different problems was truly scientific and logical. 

This led to the establishment of Sri Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust.  At present nearly 500 such institutions are functioning across the Nation aiding the Government in educating the rural and semi-rural children. Also, Mahaswamiji has made free boarding and lodging facilities for Civil services aspirants in the premises of the Mutt in Bangalore. 

Sri Sri Sri Dr. Balagangadharanatha Mahaswamiji not only emphasized modern system of Education but also advocated traditional teaching system.  It is the collective responsibility of the community to continue and preserve the devoted services of His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Balagangadharanatha Mahaswamiji, during whose era the Mutt reached the maximum grandeur. The consistent efforts of this 71st pontiff should be ideal for the forthcoming successors to work for Humanity selflessly and exhibit more zeal than before in achieving the dreams and visions of the former come to reality.

Man cannot live in isolation, however great he may be.He depends on society in every walk of life. It therefore becomes his bounden duty to give back to society what he receives from it. It will indeed be a wasted life if he cannot pay back this debt to society, albeit in little measure, during his lifetime.

This can be done if man is constantly at tuned to the wants of the less privileged.Today the world is a boiling cauldron of social ills like illiteracy, ill health and poverty, compounded by natural disasters like earthquakes and floods.If only each one of us takes up cudgels against just one issue and make it our business to alleviate the problem!How wonderful if each one of us made it our life’s mission to provide just one family with the basic necessities of Anna, Akshara and Arogya…food, education and health! But engaging oneself in social service is no mean task.It should not be indulged in for the sake of fame or fortune.Social service must be done with the spirit of doing one’s duty, and not as dispensing a favour.One should indeed feel blessed that he has been given an opportunity to serve the needy.

Service to mankind is service to God, and not for a moment should this dictum be forgotten.

The world of success is always open to the dynamic, daring, confident and courageous youth. Opportunities are plenty and they keep knocking at their doors all the time. The one who is alert, bold and prepared, readily puts them to the best use. Which better place can we find other than a good school to train the students to sail in the world full of opportunities? B.G.S. International School is trying its best to realise its cherished ambition of bringing out confident and courageous youth. We at B.G.S. International School, with indomitable will power and vigorous efforts want to bring about an all-around development of personality in its students.