Competitive Exams

To provide a strong foundation and experience of tough competition in real outside world, the school guides and encourages students to participate in various competitions at national and international level

  • NTSE (by NCERT) and MVPP Exam by Department of Education Delhi
  • NFLAT Exam
  • NGSE Exam
  • WGSE Exam
  • Regional Maths Olympiad by HBCSE (Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education)
  • Science Olympiad by IAPT (Indian Association Physics Teachers)
  • SOF Olympiad
  • French Olympiad by Silver Zone
  • Zonal and Interzonal Competitions by Directorate of Education New Delhi
  • CBSE Competition
  • Spell Bee Vocab
  • Finance Olympiad by Bombay Stock Exchange
  • Various Interschool competitions